The longest running musical theatre school in the
Highlands providing inspirational musical theatre classes.

The longest running musical theatre
school in the Highlands providing
inspirational musical theatre classes.


TFX follows government and industry COVID-19 guidelines, has a Risk Assessment in place and a process to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing.

Our primary concern is the health and wellbeing of our teachers, students, and community.

Our promise to you is that TFX is committed to operate in line with current government advice, to prepare for and maintain safe return to classes.

TFX has completed the following key measures in place and completed relevant Covid-19 assessments and policies.

  • Undertaken a COVID-19 Risk Assessment
  • Created a written Health and Safety Policy specifying extra measures to be taken on account of COVID-19
  • Have a first-aider on site
  • Minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring those who have Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms do not attend classes. This also applies if a member of their family is unwell.
  • Teachers will take paperless registers on their personal devices and have access to the relevant data to assist with Test & Trace
  • Encouraging all staff and students to wash their hands more often than usual, including before and after class and before and after using toilet/washroom facilities
  • Ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach and ensuring plenty of open window ventilation
  • Cleaning frequently touched surfaces more often than usual using standard products, such as detergent or bleach.
  • Students will arrive in uniform and ready for class
  • Breaks between classes to ensure enough time for cleaning
  • No parents or non-attending children will be allowed to enter the premises unless otherwise invited and preparations put in place.
  • Each of our studios have their own doors for entry and exit to keep flow routes through the premises to a minimum.