The longest running musical theatre school in the
Highlands providing inspirational musical theatre classes.

The longest running musical theatre
school in the Highlands providing
inspirational musical theatre classes.

Terms and Conditions

For the purposes of these terms and conditions, “TFX” or “We” means The Dance School of Inverness.


Please read carefully, as submitting your application form indicates your agreement to the Terms and Conditions of TFX memberships.
To ensure you get the best experience at TFX – The Dance School of Inverness and to clarify our responsibilities to you, as well as your responsibilities to us, please read the following terms and conditions carefully.
These policies are in place to safeguard the well-being of our students and uphold the high standards of tuition and enjoyment TFX is reputable for.

Compliance is a mandatory field which must be selected to show your agreement before your application can be processed.
TFX reserves the right to adapt, amend or cancel these terms and conditions. The current terms and conditions will always be available on our website.

TFX reserves the right to refuse entry to classes if these rules are not adhered to. We regularly review and update our policies, so we encourage parents and students to read this document thoroughly. If you have any questions, please contact a member of our team.


1.1 To secure a place in our classes, payment is required monthly in advance via subscription only.
1.2 Enrolment and payment must be completed through our website via ThinkSmart, our class management system which in turn provides a link to gocardless; the payment gateway used by the company. We no longer accept cash, cheques, BACS, or other payment methods.
1.3 We reserve the right to make changes to fees or collection dates if necessary. In such cases, notice will be given via email before the change takes effect.
1.4 Fees are reviewed annually.
1.5 Payments will be taken from your specified account on the 1st (or nearest working day) of each month.  
Late or failed payments may result in losing your place in class. If you experience difficulty with payment, please contact us as soon as possible.
1.6 Prices are based on 42 weeks of classes, pro-rata over 12 months.
1.7 The subscription model ensures timely payments, as past methods led to a high percentage of late or unpaid fees.
1.8 Class and event payments are non-refundable.
1.9 All fees include VAT.
1.10 Courtesy payment reminders will be sent at the company’s discretion.
1.11 All students taking part in major productions will incur an invoice or monetary contribution.  You will be informed in advance of such productions to enable you to prepare for such financial commitment.
1.12. Joining mid-term is possible. Upon joining, you’ll be charged for the weeks of class left in the current month plus one month in advance. Monthly fees are always paid one month in advance, which will also serve as your notice period should you decide to end your membership with TFX.


2.1 If you wish to cancel a class, one month’s written notice via email is required as detailed in our Terms and Conditions. Fees will still apply for that period but will be paid for using your advance payment as long as notice is given before the 1st of the month in time for your subscription fees to be stopped.
2.2 Classes with fewer than five students may be subject to cancellation.
2.3 Missed classes due to personal reasons must still be paid for.
2.4 Missed classes due to TFX cancellations will be made up in time through substitute lessons.


3.1 TFX branded merchandise is available to order and is mandatory for TFX classes.  Some leotards may be unbranded but still required for consistency and exam purposes.
3.2 No jewellery or accessories should be worn for safety reasons.
3.3 Students must wear the correct uniform for each class.
3.4 Hair must be neatly tied back in a ponytail or bun.
3.5 Students participating in performances must purchase or hire required costumes and tickets.


4.1 TFX is committed to providing high-quality training in a fun yet disciplined environment. If a student is consistently disruptive, we will issue a verbal warning, followed by a discussion with parents/guardians if necessary.
4.2 Promotional photos and videos may be taken in classes throughout the year. If you do not wish your child to participate, written notification is required during your application process.
4.3 Our annual showcase is professionally recorded. Personal photography and filming are not permitted.
4.4 Mobile phones are not permitted in class unless used for learning purposes. Any misuse will result in confiscation until the end of the session.
4.5 TFX is not responsible for lost or damaged belongings. Valuables should be left at home.
4.6 Students must be collected by a parent/guardian unless alternative arrangements have been made.
4.7 While we take all reasonable precautions, TFX cannot be held responsible for injuries sustained in class. Teachers ensure students train safely and correctly.
4.8 Late pick-ups must be communicated to us as soon as possible. Late collection fees may apply.
4.9 To add or drop a class, email and update your ThinkSmart account accordingly.
4.10 Parents are requested to leave the classrooms for the duration of classes unless it is a scheduled parent-assisted class; this is due to child protection.
4.11 All students aged 16 and under must be signed IN and if a student needs to leave early they must sign OUT; a register will be called at the beginning of every session. No student will be allowed to leave the premises out-with scheduled class sessions without parental awareness and/or written permission. Our responsibility ends when the session ends.


5.1 Disruptive behaviour is not tolerated. We have a strict anti-bullying policy in place.
5.2 We encourage positive behaviour and confidence-building in all our students.
5.3 TFX staff will not tolerate abusive or aggressive behaviour from students or parents. We treat everyone with respect and expect the same in return.
5.4 Consistently inappropriate behaviour from a student or parent may result in termination of enrolment. Fees will not be refunded under these circumstances.  On terminations Principals decision is final.


6.1 Medical conditions must be disclosed upon registration and updated as needed. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure we are aware of any medical concerns.
6.2 TFX communicates primarily via email and social media. Please check spam folders regularly and follow our platforms for updates.
6.3 In some cases, physical contact is necessary for corrections and support. We always encourage safe practice.
6.4 If a class is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances, fees will not be refunded; however a substitution to make up the time is always offered where possible.
6.5 Participation in events and performances is optional.
6.6 You acknowledge understanding that there are risks of physical injury associated with the activity of dance/gymnastics/performing arts and agree that TFX does not accept liability for death or personal injury to any child/guardian/visitor attending TFX or any activity related to TFX to the extent that such death or injury shall occur or be caused by the negligence or default of any member of our staff or any other default on our part.  We cannot accept liability for anything others may do or say during the class. Participation in the class is at your own risk. Report any concerns immediately to


6.1 TFX agrees that it shall not disclose to any person any confidential information concerning Students, except:

  • to its employees, officers, representatives, subcontractors or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of TFX providing the services to the Student; and
  • where TFX may be required to disclose the Student’s confidential information by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority.

6.2 Any liability of TFX relating to the Student’s participation in any classes provided by TFX is except in the following circumstances:

  • death or personal injury caused by negligence;
  • fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or
  • any other losses which cannot be excluded or limited by applicable law.

TFX may at any time assign or transfer all or any of its rights under these conditions and may subcontract or delegate in any manner any or all of it’s obligations underthese conditions to any third party or agent. The Student shall not, without the prior written consent of TFX, assign or transfer any or all of their rights or obligations under these conditions.
If any of these conditions are held, in part or in full, to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the validity of the remaining conditions shall not be affected, and they shall continue to be valid and enforceable.

These conditions shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with Scottish law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Scotland.

I accept the above terms and conditions and agree to adhere to them.

TFX Performing Arts Academy
Old High Hall,
Inverness, IV1 1LU