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Age 7+ years
Thursday 4:30 – 5:30
Lyrical dance is a fusion of both jazz and ballet.
An emphasis is placed on grace and fluidity, musicality, and expressiveness to capture emotion through movement.
A lyrical dancer uses movement to express strong emotions, such as love, joy, yearning or anger.
Lyrical dancers often perform to music with lyrics. The lyrics of the chosen song serve as inspiration for the dancers’ movements and expressions.
Music used for lyrical dance is typically emotionally charged and expressive.
If you’ve never tried lyrical dance now is a great time to start!
Suited to anyone who loves to dance age 7 and up.
Parents say:

“My daughter loved her first lyrical class, she even did a display when she got home. We usually just get a shrug and ‘fine’ when we ask her about school or other activities so this just shows how excited she was. Thank you TFX.”
Class Teacher:

Sian says:
“I love teaching lyrical as you get to watch your students step out of their comfort zone and tell their own story through dance.”